开始:vcalendar版本:2.0 prodid: - //帕萨可持续农必威体育app手机下载版业 - ECPv5.4.0.2 // nonsgml v1.0 // en calscale:gregorian方法:发布X-wr-calname:Pasa可持续农业X-Original-URL:https://pasafing.org x-wr-caldesc:帕萨可持续农业活动开始:vt必威体育app手机下载版imezone tzid:America / New_york开始:Daylight Tzoffseto:-0400 Tzoffsetto:-0400 Tzname:EDT DTStart:20210314T070000结束:日光开始:标准TZOFFSETFROM:-0400 Tzoffsetto:-0500 TZNAME:EST DTSTART:20211107T060000结束:标准末端:VimonZone开始:vevent DTStart; Tzid = America / New_york:20210503T180000 DTEND; Tzid = America / New_york:20210503T193000 DTSTAMP:20210407T174816创建:20210326T154450Z上次修改:20210330T165851Z UID:8745-1620064800-1620070200@pasafing.org摘要:蔬菜养殖101:灌溉说明:在学习不同作物的水需求,土壤\,地球\和鳞片中,请参阅行动中的灌溉系统。\ nmore细节即将推出!\ nspeakers \ nnick lubecki \,Braddock Farm Manager \,Gradsburgh \ Ndan Dalton \,三条河流经理\,PASA \ N * Covid-19注意:所有内部活动都暂时取决于公共卫生指南。请阅读我们的安全指引面对面活动。\ nRegistration \ n \ n \ n \ n \ n \ n \ n \ n \ n \ n \ n \ n \ n \ n \ n \ n \ n \ n \n \ n \ n \ n \ n \ n \ n \ n \ n \ n \ n \ n \ n \ n \ n \ n \ ncampaign id \ n \ n1。复制此表单。将广告系列ID从SF复制并粘贴到上一个字段的默认值。更改表单的名称\酌情.4。复制下面的URL。@ concateNate(“https://pasa.tfaforms.net/838?fname=”\,%% tfa_12 %% \,“&lname =”\,%% tfa_13 %% \,“&Email =”\,%% tfa_14 %% \,“&cid =”\,%% tfa_23 %%)5。 Save the form.6. Approve the form.6. Click "Notifications". Paste the URL into the "...OR REDIRECT TO THIS PAGE:"7. Disable email notifications.8. Click "Apply".9. In SF\, change the status of the campaign to "Publishing".\n\n\nFirst Name\n\n\nLast Name\n\n\nEmail address URL://www.holmansales.com/event/vegetable-farming-101-irrigation/ LOCATION:Braddock Farms\, 1000 Braddock Ave\, Braddock\, PA\, 15104\, United States CATEGORIES:Pasa Events ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg://www.holmansales.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/158933633_3683396821772829_8666399010793169517_o-1.jpg END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR