开始:VCALENDAR版本:2.0 Prodid: - // PASA可必威体育app手机下载版持续农业-ECPV5.16.4 // NONSGML V1.0 // EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN方法:Gregorian方法:发布X-WR-CALNAME:PASA可持续性农业X-Original-urll:HTTTP//www.holmansales.com x-wr-caldesc:PASA可持续农业的事必威体育app手机下载版件开始:vtimezone tzid:美国/new_york开始:daylight tzoffsetfrom:-0500 tzoffsetto:-0400 tzname:edt dtstart:edt dtstart:20220313t070000 end:20220313t070000 end: - 标准tzflom: - 标准tzimpled: - 日夜: - 日头:0400 TZOFFSETTO:-0500 TZNAME:EST DTSTART:20221106T060000 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=America/New_York:20220819T100000 DTEND;TZID=America/New_York:20220819T130000 DTSTAMP:20220809T220334 CREATED:20220531T192017Z LAST-MODIFIED:20220531T192017Z UID:15044-1660903200-1660914000@www.holmansales.com摘要:在城市果园上提高生产力描述:猕猴桃\,芦笋\,Hazelnuts \,等等!游览Weavers Way农场的新种植,并了解小巷种植如何帮助他们从费城西北部的果园中获得更多的果园。灌木来创建农业或园艺作物的小巷。”与其他农林业系统\一样,小巷种植可以通过减少土壤侵蚀和补充有机物来帮助保护自然资源\的农场收入流多样化。\ nweavers Way Farms \是基于会员的Weavers Way Co-op \的一部分,它的长期目标是改造亨利的果园亨利·沃斯(Henry)的果园,这是他们的两个城市农场遗址之一。PASA将他们与Interlace Commons的农林业顾问联系起来,这是我们与宾夕法尼亚州的飞行员小巷耕地系统合作的一部分。Weavers Way的设计将通过将流行的多年生蔬菜和花卉作物纳入现有树木之间的小巷中,并使用其他水果\,坚果\和观赏树种品种扩大果园的多样性,从而帮助他们从每英亩的土地中获得更多。今年春季农场经理\,学生志愿者\和林业专业人士在现场种植了各种新产品 - 从猕猴桃和芦笋到大蒜和榛子。 Come check out the results! \nFarm Manager Nina Berryman and Interlace Commons consultant Meghan Giroux will share insights about the site-specific considerations that went into the design process and discuss how alley cropping could help you get more out of your field or orchard. \nLunch will be provided. \nThis project is supported by a USDA Conservation Innovation Grant and funding from the Philadelphia Committee of the Garden Club of America. \n\n\nNotes\n\nCapacity: This event is limited to 25 registrants.\nLunch will be provided. \nThis event is rain or shine! Please check the forecast ahead of time and dress for the weather. Wear comfortable\, close-toed shoes.\nPasa members get discounts on registration for many of our events! Not sure if you’re a member? Check your membership status here.\nQuestions? Check out our in-person event FAQs.If you still have a question\, contact events@www.holmansales.com.\n\n\n\nRegister\n\n\n \n \n \n\n \n\n \n \n \n \n \n\n\n\n \n \n\n\n\n\n\n\nInternal Setup Only\n\nCampaign ID\n\n1. Copy this form.2. Copy and paste the Campaign ID from SF into the default value for the field above.3. Change the name of the form\, as appropriate.4. Copy the URL below.@CONCATENATE("https://pasa.tfaforms.net/838?fname="\, %%tfa_12%%\, "&lname="\, %%tfa_13%%\, "&email="\, %%tfa_14%%\, "&cid="\, %%tfa_23%%)5. Save the form.6. Click "Notifications". Paste the URL into the "...OR REDIRECT TO THIS PAGE:"7. Disable email notifications.8. Click "Apply".9. In SF\, change the status of the campaign to "Publishing".\n\n\nFirst Name\n\n\nLast Name\n\n\nEmail address URL://www.holmansales.com/event/alley-cropping-boosting-productivity-on-an-urban-orchard/ LOCATION:Weavers Way Farms – Henry Got Crops\, 7095 Henry Avenue\, Philadelphia\, 19128\, United States CATEGORIES:Agroforestry,Pasa Events ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg://www.holmansales.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Weavers-Way-Ash-Phillips-Lauren-Todd-Nina-Berryman-scaled.jpg END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR